Fireworks At The GOP Debate In Houston

GOP Debate If you watched last nights GOP debate in Houston then you know all too well that last night was full of conflict and well, fireworks. Senators Marco...

GOP Debate

If you watched last nights GOP debate in Houston then you know all too well that last night was full of conflict and well, fireworks. Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz continuously went after Donald Trump in an effort to take the frontrunner down a notch and this pretty much went on the ENTIRE night. The two kept going after him leaving Carson and Kasich with no spotlight or time to get any questions asked to them.


Since Carson and Kasich were left in the dark Carson interrupted the feud and asked if anyone wanted to go after him because he was more then willing to jump in and be asked a few questions before the time was to run out. Kasich stayed on the positive side through it all saying he made his point and hopes America heard it when he got the chance to talk.

The debate was as always entertaining and we are very curious to see if this debate will have any impact on the people voting on ‘Super Tuesday.’ For more details be sure to check out the video above.