Murphy received the award for “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.” This week, the 2023 Golden Globes recognized the finest individuals in the world of entertainment, including both film and television. In addition...
The classic awards show took a new approach for 2021 The awards show season for 2021 kicked off with the Golden Globe Awards for a star-studded night with a new hosting format in response...
The snubs and studs of the Golden Globe nominees The awards season kicks off with the 78th annual Golden Globes that will focus on TV shows and series that helped people get through the...
Tom Hanks gives one of the most honest award acceptance speeches Tom Hanks, who played the beloved children’s TV host Fred Rodgers in the movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood , gave an...
Gervais stirs controversy at the Golden Globes Ricky Gervais, the controversial host of the annual Golden Globes award show, never shies away from an edgy joke. But Gervais really went over-the-top during Sunday night’s...
A Night With The Stars As per usual, the 75th Annual Golden Globes did not disappoint. From plenty of support for sexual assault victims to some amazing speeches and award wins, this year’s ceremony...