It’s News o’Clock, Do You Know Where Your News Is?

Spoiler: it’s right here. You know what I kind of miss about the music scene? When I was a kid, it kind of felt like every musician and entertainer...

Spoiler: it’s right here.

You know what I kind of miss about the music scene? When I was a kid, it kind of felt like every musician and entertainer knew each other, like all of Hollywood was one big sitcom. Maybe it just felt like that because I watched a lot of Saturday Night Live growing up, I dunno. Nowadays, it feels like the only time I find new music is by accident. I guess that’s not a bad thing, I just kind of miss the camaraderie.

Speaking of musicians I miss, I very much miss James Brown, but according to some recent reports, there may have been a bit more to his death than originally thought. Brown died back in 2006, with his recorded cause of death being a heart attack. In 2017, however, CNN was contacted by singer Jacque Hollander, who alleged that Brown was actually murdered. Hollander provided a large bin, which she insisted was full of evidence of the crime, but since Brown was long since dead and buried by then, nobody wanted to tackle the subject.

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After receiving calls to exhume and examine Brown’s corpse to determine whether there is any merit to these allegations, Brown’s lawyer, Buddy Dallas, seemed apathetic.

“Exhume him,” he said. “I don’t have any feeling about it one way or another.”

Fulton County district attorney Paul Howard Jr. will have the final say on whether a full investigation is launched. Until then, he is currently collecting testimonies and possible evidence.