How Technology Is Changing The Workplace

Technology Has Brought People Together Technology over the last 10-15 years has drastically changed our day-to-day lives. From using apps for directions, googling what restaurants to eat at while...

Technology Has Brought People Together

Technology over the last 10-15 years has drastically changed our day-to-day lives. From using apps for directions, googling what restaurants to eat at while traveling, to ordering all of your favorite clothes from the comfort of your phone…we can no longer say we aren’t somewhat dependent upon technology. With that being said, it’s interesting to see how technology has changed other realms of outlives, namely the workplace. We can no longer ignore the change that has occurred since technology hit the 9-5 desk job.

“We’ve been able to ignore technology the last 20 years. Now, I don’t think you can ignore these kind of enhancements. It’s going to have too much of an impact on us,” says Lewis Richards, Head of 21st Century Human Practice Leading Edge Forum.

One of the biggest shifts due to technology can be seen in how people work together. Before, ‘work’ was this clock-in, clock-out, cubicle style environment. Now, it’s evident that there is a call to much more of a collaborative effort, and technology helps bring people out of their cubicles and into a more community-based workplace.