How You Can Teach Your Child How To Budget At Any Age!

Teaching the Art of Budgeting Early! A budget is one of the most important money management tools that you can teach your kids how to use. As they begin...

Teaching the Art of Budgeting Early!

A budget is one of the most important money management tools that you can teach your kids how to use. As they begin managing their own money a budget can help them track their expenses and avoid overspending and don’t ever think your child is too young to start managing money because when they’re younger they tend to take note of your habits and copy them later on.


So to start, you’re going to want to help your child understand the elements that go into creating a budget. The three main elements being your income, your necessary expenses (needs), and your discretionary expenses (wants).

In the income category your child can add up the amount of money they have coming in. Next is the things that your teens have to pay for each month based on rules you have created as a family. And once the needs have been subtracted from their income then they can see what is left for his wants. It’s that simple.


Now monitoring your child’s results are key. Help them out and give some insight on how you do things. Show them the ropes even with higher bills such as a mortgage and car payments. This way when they get older they already know how to handle these bills and it won’t seem to be as overwhelming.

So take note and as you will see all the tips and tricks you will need to know in order to teach your child how to build a budget in the video above!