Credit: Envato Elements Create the Perfect Baby Room for Your Little Girl Designing a baby room is such a fun project—it’s your chance to create a space where your little girl will grow, play,...
Pfizer moves to test COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents Pfizer announces promising results of the latest clinical study for the COVID-19 vaccine with 2,260 adolescent participants with 100% effective results on participants between the ages...
Thanks to binge-watching and streaming platforms, we’ve completely changed the way we experience entertainment. Before we would enjoy entertainment in theaters but more people are opting to stay home instead of going out. You...
Too much screen time can lead to less-developed brains according to new study Spending too much time with iPads, tablets, TVs, and other screens might be harming youngsters’ brain development, found a new study...
Parents playing the biggest tricks for treats Trick-or-treating isn’t just for kids. In fact, nearly two-thirds of parents admit to pilfering candy from their child’s Halloween stash, and those parents tend to eat a...
Pink Won’t Stand For People Bullying Her Kids On Social Media Superstar singer Pink told Ellen DeGeneres she no longer shares photos of her children, 7-year-old daughter Willow and 2-year-old son Jameson, on social...