Spring Cleaning For Your Phone

A Spring Spruce-Up for Your Smartphone Spring-cleaning doesn’t just apply to your house, it applies to your phone as well. That’s right, time to get that phone cleaned up...

A Spring Spruce-Up for Your Smartphone

Spring-cleaning doesn’t just apply to your house, it applies to your phone as well. That’s right, time to get that phone cleaned up and back to running as smooth as new. So, how exactly do you clean up your phone? Well, it’s easy.

Although your contacts can hold valuable data, believe it or not it’s actually hogging a large chuck of your storage space. So take the time to go through and delete those contacts from 4 years ago, or download an app to do it for you. Those “cluttery” old contacts are not needed. Also go through and see what’s using up your storage space and data and see what’s taking up the most storage, then have a fun little purge session and removed the unneeded items.

Maybe it’s even your apps. Make sure to cleans those up as well and you’ll see your phone functioning on a whole new level of efficiency! For more tips and tricks check out the videos above!