The sequel to 2019’s Joker, titled Joker: Folie à Deux, promises a unique musical twist, but its origins were even more unconventional. Director Todd Phillips and star Joaquin Phoenix recently revealed that the initial...
The two will play the starring roles in the big screen version of the critically-acclaimed musical. Out of the numerous plays that have run in Broadway theaters, one of the most successful ever produced...
“Hamilton” screen premiere coming sooner than thought The broadway smash hit by Lin-Manuel Miranda, “Hamilton,” will be making its way from the stage to screen and so you can stream it on Disney Plus....
It takes a lot to pull off this big parade Thanksgiving brings our family and friends together to celebrate what we’re thankful for, one of these things is watching the infamous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day...
A Sneak Peek Growing up The Lion King was a movie we all grew to know and love. It brought us joy, hope, and inspiration. Whenever it was turned on magic filled the air....
Nick Kroll The comedian Nick Kroll discusses the origins of his sketch turned Broadway show, ‘Oh, Hello.’ ‘Oh, Hello’ is a particular story about two 70 something-year-old “legendary bachelors” living on the Upper West...