Some Stores Opening Early for Black…Thursday

Black Friday in a Nutshell What is Black Friday? This sacred Friday that many shoppers throughout the world line up days before the actual sale might actually happen on...

Black Friday in a Nutshell

What is Black Friday? This sacred Friday that many shoppers throughout the world line up days before the actual sale might actually happen on a Thursday! Black Friday is commonly known as the day after Thanksgiving where many stores around the world have outrageous sales which attract huge crowds. Many retail stores have sales, and in fact, Black Friday has gotten so big that many stores are having online sales just to maximize profits.

Some common big name stores that will have Black Friday sales are Best Buy, Target, Walmart, K-Mart, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Staples, ToysRus, JC Penney and Sears. Even the well known online retailer Amazon has their own Black Friday sales ads.

Many stores are planning to do a Black Thursday otherwise known as starting the sales on Thursday. It may seem strange but it all makes perfect sense to the owners of retail stores. Starting the sales earlier will probably result in even MORE people joining the Black Friday craze which ultimately results in more sales and profits.

What Really Happens During Black Friday?

There have been some extreme cases where some stores such as Best Buy will have exclusive deals for the first 50 or so people that get in. Such deals range from extremely cheap TVs, amazing bundle deals on console systems, computers and general electronics. Some people are so hungry for deals there have been lines at retail stores up to a week before Black Friday itself. That’s right, people are lining up a WHOLE week before Black Friday which means they’ll be skipping work or other obligations while camping out in the cold for some crazy deals.

While stores love to see the hype of Black Friday since that means more sales, it is certainly a nightmare for the workers that have to work during Black Friday. Can you imagine trying to work when there are hundreds of people rushing to get in and get the best deal they can? Black Friday has gotten so huge that it seems like everyone knows about due to ads on the radio, Youtube videos, newspaper ads, email alerts from the stores and word of mouth. People that are attempting to go Black Friday shopping should be prepared for extremely long lines to get into the store itself and yet another never ending line just to check out their items.

Is It Worth It?

With so many people rushing to join the hype and grab some deals during Black Friday, people have to start asking themselves; is it worth it? With so many people lining up and rushing into stores, what are the chances of the average person being able to get anything decent? There is no clear cut answer as it will vary between people. Some people will weigh the amount of time spent camping out, hoping for a good deal for being early and hoping there will be something they want. For most people it will not seem worth it considering the amount of time required to camp out for a great deal but it’s the holidays and who doesn’t love to pick up some sweet gifts.