Turkish presidential election heads to a runoff as Erdogan fails to secure an outright win, leaving the country at a pivotal crossroads. The highly charged presidential election in Turkey has taken an unexpected turn...
Violence Continues to Surge Throughout Pakistan The ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has been held on corruption charges since Tuesday. Khan was swarmed by paramilitary troops and apprehended just after appearing in court...
Indonesian Navy Still Searching for Submarine
Blood clots launch investigation over J&J vaccine The Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine is under investigation following the reports of rare (potentially dangerous) blood clots with leading pharmaceutical authorities recommending a delay in...
Remembering the late Prince Philip Her Majesty The Queen of England has announced Buckingham palace is mourning the passing of her husband, His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Her Majesty released a...
GMC reinvents the Hummer into an electric SUV GMC is changing how the world sees Hummer as one of the biggest gas-guzzling cars and will pave the way for the future of offering a...