Fellow Gymnasts Sympathize with Simone Biles’ Withdrawal

Biles was suffering from a gymnastics phenomenon known as "the twisties."

Biles was suffering from a gymnastics phenomenon known as “the twisties.”

Team USA Olympic gymnast Simone Biles’ withdrawal from both the team and individual women’s gymnastics event sparked a bit of confusion from onlookers at the time. Biles didn’t appear to be visibly injured, so it wasn’t immediately apparent why she wasn’t able to compete. After the fact, though, she made a confession: during one of the vaults she performed during the finals, Biles suddenly lost track of where she was in the air. This is a dangerous phenomenon known to professional gymnasts as “the twisties.”

“I know that feeling so deeply in my body,” former competitive gymnast Catherine Burns told NPR, “of being, like, I’m lost, I came out [of the move] too early, where am I? And all of that is happening in the course of split seconds, that recognition of something’s not right and I need to be able to complete the trick without injuring myself.”

“Hated it, so much,” 2016 Olympic gymnast Laurie Hernandez said, adding, “it actively makes you feel like you’re not the caliber of athlete that you are.”

The understanding of her condition from both her fellow athletes and fans means a lot to Biles, who said on her Twitter that “the outpouring [of] love and support I’ve received has made me realize I’m more than my accomplishments and gymnastics which I never truly believed before.”