WheeMe Robot: Your Personal Massage Therapist

Every once in a while, our hectic schedules and busy lives require us to give sometime to ourselves as well. This is the time when most of us want...

Every once in a while, our hectic schedules and busy lives require us to give sometime to ourselves as well. This is the time when most of us want to be pampered by professional masseurs who can take away the tiredness of the day and make us stress free. Now mostly, these relaxing massages are only available at high end spas and the truth is that not everybody can afford the kind of expenses they require. Also, even if people do have the money, they often don’t have the time and so end up not going at all.

This is the reason why many people, because of one reason or the other, don’t get the chance to get that much needed relaxing massage. Although, if you are a working man or a woman, you should know that the need for such massages cannot be ignored because of the simple fact that our muscles get tired of the continuous work and so they do need a time out. This is why it is very crucial and mandatory that you consider getting a massage every once in a while. If you, like everyone else have once started thinking of the time and many factor involved then I have some very good news for you. The good news that I am talking about is a personal pint sized massage robot, named WheeMe which has been developed and manufactured by a company who obviously wanted to make these massage session more accessible to people all around the world.

According to the official website of the device, the personal robot massager ‘massages and caresses’ the entire human body as it rolls over to each and every part. This intelligent tech has been created by the DreamBots Company which is a big name in the industry. Basically, the device utilizes the tilt sensor technology to maneuver across the entire body without falling off or loosening its grip. The easy to operate robot runs on three AA batteries and functions automatically without you having to set it again and again. All you need to get started with this tiny little masseur is to place it on your body and it will do the rest of the work for you without any kind of difficulty.

However, a slight drawback of this technology is that it will not provide you with a deep tissue massage as you would expect at a spa but that is expected when it weighs less than a pound. Although, the DreamBots Company does ensure that the person using the robot will get a nice gentle massage and will be a good help for daily massages. The verdict about this massage technology is that although it will prove to be a good companion for you for small, short and light massage sessions, it may not be what you need when you have a lot of muscle tension. Overall, I would say that a daily massage using the WheeMe Robot combined with a monthly visit to your massage therapist will keep you refreshed and active for your daily routine. So, would you be investing in this pint sized massager soon?