Individual Style Expressed

The CROWN Act baning hair discrimination California governor, Galvin Newson, signed a bill into law that would protect people from racial discrimination based on their natural hairstyle. This is...

The CROWN Act baning hair discrimination

California governor, Galvin Newson, signed a bill into law that would protect people from racial discrimination based on their natural hairstyle. This is the first statewide law of its kind in the U.S., the Creating A Respectful Workplace For Natural Hair Act, also known as the CROWN Act, updates the state’s anti-discrimination law so the term ‘race’ includes traits historically associated with race.

Legislators acknowledged in the measures text that society has subjected certain features equated with “blackness” to unequal treatment. The New York City Commission on Human Rights passed similar protection in February classifying restrictions on natural hair in workplaces, schools, and public places as racial discrimination.

This matter is becoming more prominent and talked about more in the media. In the academy-award winning animated short film entitled “Hair Love” that depicts a father trying to style his daughter’s natural hair to fit society standards but in the end promotes self-love for natural hair. The CROWN Act is about inclusion and pride with natural hair, also bringing awareness to this issue nation and worldwide.