An Analysis of the Intense Weekend on the Campaign Trail: Insights into a Potential Biden-Trump Matchup

    The 2024 Election Race Continues Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump With the 2024 general election drawing closer, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are engaging in a high-stakes battle that provides...
  • Express Yourself: Style

    The CROWN Act bans discrimination against natural hairstyle California governor, Galvin Newson, signed a bill into law that would protect people from racial discrimination based on their natural hairstyle. This is the first statewide...
  • 2021 Vacation Vibes

    Of all the top travel destinations in the world offering a variety of majestic landscapes, Thailand is on the top of the list. We give you a tour of this amazing place and all...
  • Hair Discrimination Across California

    The CROWN Act bans discrimination against natural hairstyle California governor, Galvin Newson, signed a bill into law that would protect people from racial discrimination based on their natural hairstyle. This is the first statewide...
  • Getting A New Tattoo? Read This First

    The pain is worth the ensuring awesomeness. Tattoos are one of the oldest forms of self-expression in human history. Seriously, not too long ago, they uncovered ancient Egyptian mummies with hieroglyphic tattoos. That’s how...
  • Climate Change Is No Joke

    Would a “baked Alaska” joke be in bad taste? Alaska is the northernmost state of the United States (it’s so far north, you gotta go past Canada). Since it’s so far north, it’s understandably...