Jessica Simpson Says Marriage To Nick Lachey Was Her Biggest Money Mistake

Jessica Dishes Her True Feelings On Nick Lachey During an interview with Kelly on CNBC’s closing bell Friday, the singer turned fashion mogul celebrated the tenth anniversary of her...

Jessica Dishes Her True Feelings On Nick Lachey

During an interview with Kelly on CNBC’s closing bell Friday, the singer turned fashion mogul celebrated the tenth anniversary of her mega successful clothing brand. But she did make a very honest admission about her first marriage with a former boy bander.


So when Kelly asked what were some of the biggest money mistakes that Jessica has made she didn’t hesitate to say that really the only money mistake was her first marriage. And honestly Kelly says that’s quit a common answer believe it or not.


Kelly also asked the 35-year-old how she achieved her financial success and she says its all due to her business manager which she has been with for 16-years now. And while Jessica admits her first marriage may have been her only financial mistake she says business for her is all about taking risks.