Watch As Real Kids Explain To Young Adults How To Make Dreams Come True!

Dream Again Growing up many of you were probably taught that you can be anything you want to be as long as you set your mind to it. However,...

Dream Again

Growing up many of you were probably taught that you can be anything you want to be as long as you set your mind to it. However, today more than half of the world’s women have given up on their dreams and they are not satisfied with their current lives. It’s sad to think even in today’s world, as far as we have come with equality and empowering women, they still feel unwanted and not good enough to follow their own dreams. 51% of Asian women vs Western women report that dreams just fade with age.


Now you have to remember that Asian women are taught to have a proper job by the age of 30 and they have household responsibilities that consume their whole lives. They become mothers and wives and must go along with what’s considered “expected of them.”

Throughout the video you will see the truth on how societal limitations and feelings of low self-esteem are preventing many women from pursuing their life long dreams. Many of these women who were interviewed were never asked to express themselves to someone else before. They were never asked how they felt about something or even asked about themselves. No one really has taken the time to ask them what they would want to do or be, they’re used to just being told these things.


So at the very end, the ‘adult expert’ is revealed as a cover. It puts women face-to-face with young children who remind them, in simple yet encouraging words that you should never give up on your dreams, if you set your mind to it you can achieve anything….check it out!