That’s Racist S1:E3 | Asians Can’t Drive

  Asians Are the Worst Drivers, Right? … WRONG! If you were asked right now – “do you think Asians are bad drivers?” – what would you say? Chances...


Asians Are the Worst Drivers, Right? … WRONG!

If you were asked right now – “do you think Asians are bad drivers?” – what would you say? Chances are you might give into the stereotype that says, yeah Asians are typically not that great at driving.

But where does this stereotype come from and how can we break it? As stated in this new episode of AOL’s original series ‘That’s Racist’, how you drive does indeed depend on where your country of origin is. But that doesn’t necessarily mean just because you’re from another country that you’re a bad driver.

According to studies, countries like Japan have low accident rates because the driving there is very strict and by the rules.

Countries like China, on the other hand, have high accident rates because the roads have little rules. The driving is every man for himself. So when you think about Asian drivers in America, you have to think about what kind of driving you associate them with. Is it reckless, terrible road rage? No, it’s usually more cautious driving like going too slow.

Asians actually have the lowest accident rate in American behind White, Hispanic, and Native American people. And sure, of course Asians are going to be cautious!

There are many immigrants coming to America who have had to deal with the roads of China, where if you go to slow or you go too fast – BOOM accident. Watch the new episode of ‘That’s Racist’ for some more stereotype debunking – and slow down on the road, you people drive way too fast anyway.