I Can’t Even Right Now … Little things in life that are LITERALLY the worst!

  Uhhh I HATE that! We get it, there are bigger problems in life than the fact that you literally have to open a package of new scissors with...


Uhhh I HATE that!

We get it, there are bigger problems in life than the fact that you literally have to open a package of new scissors with SCISSORS! (AKA the thing you just bought!) But everyone can acknowledge those little first world problems that make life all the more upsetting.


Like that time you were trying to get to work on time but you just HAD to get stuck walking behind a group of tourists visiting the city for the first time.

Or that one time you just put on the most comfortable socks in the world only to step in water!

Watch this video of relatable experiences and count the number of times you think to yourself “I just… I just can’t even right now!”