Everything You Need To Know About the 87th Academy Awards!

The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Moments The 87th Annual Academy Awards delivered many moving speeches, laugh out loud moments, and – Neil Patrick Harris in a pair of small...

The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Moments

The 87th Annual Academy Awards delivered many moving speeches, laugh out loud moments, and – Neil Patrick Harris in a pair of small white briefs?? Yes, the Oscars gave us many moments to talk about, starting with the host of the ceremony.

It came as no surprise when NPH opened the show with a musical number, and it certainly came as no surprise when said opening number was amazing! Neil danced with virtual characters, Anna Kendrick and Jack Black, and towards the end even a few Stormtroopers made an appearance.


Neil gave the audience quite a show last night with his witty sense of humor and willingness to go for the shock factor. Case and point when he parodied the now iconic scene in ‘Birdman’ by showing up on stage in just a pair of tighty whities. A few of his jokes fell flat and despite the awesome pay off the box joke I think Octavia Spencer was over it after NPH mention the prediction box for a third time – but overall he delivered a solid hosting duty that kept both the audience there and the audience at home entertained.


Also keeping the audience entertained was a series of great performances throughout the night including a tear inducing rendition of ‘Glory’ by John Legend and Common. Everyone from Oprah to Chris Pine was feeling the emotional impact of that song. The duo won the Oscar for Best Original Song.


Another great moment came from Lady Gaga as she honored the 50th anniversary of ‘The Sound of Music’ with a medley of hits from the musical. After her performance she was accompanied by none other than Julie Andrews herself – causing a commotion of excitement both at the ceremony and on Twitter. All hail Queen Julie Andrews!

And last but not least – the winners!! As expected both Patricia Arquette and JK Simmons took home awards for their supporting roles in ‘Boyhood’ and ‘Whiplash’. Arquette used her acceptance speech as a platform to raise awareness of women’s rights in America leading to an uproar of approval – especially from Meryl Streep.


Other big winners were Julianne Moore and Eddie Redmayne taking home the top awards for lead acting – both first time winners of the Oscar. Both were expected to win and also used their speech as platforms to raise awareness of current issues regarding Alzheimer’s and ALS.

‘Birdman’ was the real winner last night taking home the coveted prize of ‘Best Picture’ and also nabbing awards for cinematography and directing. Some thought ‘Boyhood’ would steal the top prize, but ‘Birdman’ pulled through!

Today’s Questions

So what did you think of the Oscars? Did John Travolta creep you out as well? What about NPH, did you like his hosting duties or should we get Ellen to come back?

And the winners – agree or disagree??