Who Says Being Single is All That Bad?

  Perks of Being Single It is that time of year that single people dread – Valentine’s Day. The awful holiday where you watch the happiness of other couples...


Perks of Being Single

It is that time of year that single people dread – Valentine’s Day. The awful holiday where you watch the happiness of other couples while sitting on the sidelines eating your heart out with a tub of ice cream.

But cheer up single people – who says being single is a bad thing? Sure, there are plenty of great perks about being in a relationship but there are also just as many perks about not being in one. Think of all the money you’re saving by not having to plan a special date on Valentine’s Day.

Or think about the fact that you can literally do whatever you want without having to put a significant other in consideration. Do you want to sit on the couch with a pizza watching a marathon of ‘Dance Moms’ all day? DO IT!

Do you want to keep the toilet seat up just because you can? DO IT! The possibilities are endless. So this Valentine’s Day, instead of sitting at home checking your OkCupid inbox for a last minute fling, spend some time appreciating yourself and more importantly – treating yourself!

Yeah you deserve it.