Where Will Technology Be 30 Years From Now?

The Future Of Technology The CEOs of Google Ventures and XPRIZE joined together for a conference everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for. They shared in...

The Future Of Technology

The CEOs of Google Ventures and XPRIZE joined together for a conference everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for. They shared in the conference their predictions for the state of technology in 30 years at the WSJDLive gathering in Laguna Beach, Calif. So, with that being said, what are we expected to see in the near future?


Well, experts are actually saying that billions of dollars are being poured into AR and VR right now and our way of life 30 years from now will be turned around. The way we live our lives, communicate with others, educate ourselves, and shop will forever be changed.


For details and exclusive sneak peaks from the event be sure to check out the video above.