Google Partners With Levi’s To Create Interactive Clothing!

Google & Levi Make an Unlikely Business Partnership! Big news has hit media between Google and Levi’s! Google’s Advanced Technology And Projects division announced recently that it is partnering...

Google & Levi Make an Unlikely Business Partnership!

Big news has hit media between Google and Levi’s! Google’s Advanced Technology And Projects division announced recently that it is partnering with Levi’s to create “interactive textiles” wearable technology built into regular clothing.

Called Project Jacquard, the effort focuses on making the idea of electronic clothing practical.


Jacquard rethinks but doesn’t significantly change how clothing is made to weave circuitry into fabrics themselves, while still allowing for normal tailoring, care and customer choice.

How awesome is this! For more on the new partnership and what you can expect to see come from these two powerful companies in the near future check out the video above!