A Dramatic Incident Unfolds as Military Seeks Answers in Charleston County On Sunday, a dramatic incident involving an F-35B Lightning II fighter jet unfolded in Charleston County, South Carolina, leading to a search operation...
More Lidl discount grocery stores coming to the U.S. The German-based discount grocery chain, Lidl, announced they will have up to 150 U.S. locations by the end of 2021. Lidl is set to invest...
Recapping everything you may have missed from the top games and matchups With one week remaining in the regular season, the NFL playoff picture has begun to solidify. And yet much is left to...
Carlos Correa homered on the first pitch in the bottom of the 11th inning to give the Houston Astros a 3-2 victory over the New York Yankees on Sunday night, sending the American League...
Hurrican Dorian causes power outages in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas After devastating the Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian headed toward the Southeastern United States, causing 378,000 power outages in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. After...
Getting Ready For An Action-Packed Weekend Of Sports If you’ve not had the chance to see Giannis Antetokounmpo (don’t make me spell that again, you), grab the opportunity. The Milwaukee Bucks’ big man is...