Marvel’s Loki sees a surge in weekly viewership, but Nielsen’s streaming ratings reveal a comparative dip from its debut season. Marvel Studios’ Loki closed its second season with a spectacular uptick in viewership, marking...
HBO’s “The Idol” Takes Its Final Bow After One Season In a not-so-surprising twist of fate, HBO has confirmed that the sensational television show “The Idol” will not be gracing our screens for a...
The former basketballer dedicated the win to his mother. Last night, the current iteration of Dancing with the Stars reached its conclusion with the final victor being none other than former NBA player Iman...
The first celebrity breakup amidst coronavirus quarantine The reality TV star is known for her appearance on “The Hills,” Kristin Cavallari, just announced she will be splitting up with her husband, Jay Cutler. “The...
Gervais stirs controversy at the Golden Globes Ricky Gervais, the controversial host of the annual Golden Globes award show, never shies away from an edgy joke. But Gervais really went over-the-top during Sunday night’s...
Stern sticks up for Union Longtime radio shock jock Howard Stern is no fan of Simon Cowell. After Gabrielle Union quit Cowell’s show, America’s Got Talent, Stern took Cowell to task, blaming Cowell’s boorish...