Save Big This Holiday Season With These Awesome Tips And Tricks You Don’t Want To Miss Out On!

Holiday Savings It’s holiday time and although it’s the most wonderful time of the year because we get to spend it with friends and family, it’s also the time...

Holiday Savings

It’s holiday time and although it’s the most wonderful time of the year because we get to spend it with friends and family, it’s also the time of the year where we tend to be more budget conscious! With all those gifts we need to get for our list that just keeps on growing we want you to feel at ease with some great holiday saving tips and tricks.

Never Spend Money On Wrapping Paper Again
Holiday gift wrapping can sometimes be a pricey afterthought especially with all the gifts you have to wrap! Wrapping paper can get pricey during the holiday season so why not add a personal touch and try repurposing things around your house at no cost! Some great ideas are to make wrapping paper out of old road maps. This is great for the travelers in your family and it’s super fun to make. And what about paper grocery bags? We used to wrap our textbooks with them in high school but with a little creativity, you can turn it into wrapping paper!

Save On Gas During Your Holiday Road Trips
Many people are flying where they need to go this time of year, but some like to travel by car. So a few tips to help you save gas is to avoid idling, every 2 minutes idling equals one mile in gas…yikes! Also, be sure to save cruise control for the flattest stretches. When you are going up hills and cruise control is forced to work harder, you actually end up wasting gas instead of saving it.

Surprising Holiday Grocery Sales You Didn’t Know To Look For
During the holiday time, we have staple traditional foods that go on sale, but items such as butter are the items that you need to check the discounts on. For example, butter goes for $4 during the year, but during holiday time it can drop to as low as a dollar a box! And if you wrap it in foil butter can stay good frozen for up to 6 months. Kitchen supplies also tend to be 50% off during the holiday time!

Unexpected Uses For Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is the most effective way to keep the moisture in your food, but instead of tossing it when you’re done you can repurpose it! During the holiday time, the dishes tend to stack up and sponges tend to get tossed even faster. And just when you thought you were out of your last one with a bunch of dishes to still clean you can try using aluminum foil to get the stuck food out!

Saving On Makeup
To rejuvenate old nail polish instead of throwing it out when it’s too thick and buying another bottle try adding a few drops of nail polish thinner to squeeze a few more applications out of your favorite brands. For dried out mascara try adding a couple eye drops in the tube. And for cracked and broken eyeshadow take the back of a spoon, press down and turn it into powder, fill a small spray bottle with rubbing alcohol, and wet the makeup. Let dry and then use the spoon again to press down and let it come back together.

For more tips and tricks to help you save this holiday season be sure to check out the videos above!