California Hotel Offers Drone Delivery Service

  When taking a trip to California and staying at a nice hotel with a pool, gym, and beachfront views you’d probably think life can’t get any better. Well,...

When taking a trip to California and staying at a nice hotel with a pool, gym, and beachfront views you’d probably think life can’t get any better. Well, think again! Now, while you’re enjoying the pool, gym, and beachfront you can also get fantastic delivery service but not just any sort of delivery service.


This high-end service is conducted solely by drone. If you want champagne, snacks, quality service then no problem, just ask the drone to fetch it for you. It isn’t a scene from a movie anymore! This upscale hotel is now offering it in their high-tech suite and it comes at a pretty price as well.


The average cost per night for this suite is $10,000 but that hasn’t stopped exclusive local celebrities from checking out the high tech room. But before you think about ordering high-tech drone service you might want to check the high-tech price tag.