Tightrope Walker Wallenda’s Challenge In Chicago

  What Will Wallenda Do Next? Growing up did you ever think you were a daredevil climbing trees or jumping from the top of a play ground? Well, one...


What Will Wallenda Do Next?

Growing up did you ever think you were a daredevil climbing trees or jumping from the top of a play ground? Well, one man will put the word “daredevil” into perspective for you, and redefine the meaning of adrenaline rush. Nik Wallenda is an American acrobat, aerialist, daredevil, high wire artist, and author.


Described as “The King of the Wire”, he is known for his high-wire performances without a safety net. He holds nine Guinness World Records for various acrobatic feats, but is best known as the first person to walk a tightrope stretched directly over Niagara Falls and even the Grand Canyon.

What he performed last night was two for the record books as he walked across a tightrope stretched across two apartment buildings and he did the second one blindfolded. A family tradition that has left seven family members dead is what drives Nik to succeed.

Today’s Question

When will enough be enough for Wallenda?