Simple Ways To Cut Water Waste Around The House

Go green and cut household water waste Going green might seem to require changing your whole lifestyle but you can start out small by cutting back on resources including...


Go green and cut household water waste

Going green might seem to require changing your whole lifestyle but you can start out small by cutting back on resources including water. You’d be surprised by how much water is wasted doing simple everyday tasks and you can do your part to reduce unneeded water waste.

Washing dishes can waste a lot of water but you can save so much water if you skip rinsing the dishes before placing in the dishwasher. If you clear of your plates with a short rinse when placing them in the sink, they’ll be ready for the dishwasher.

When you skip rinsing you’ll save time and prevent water waste. If you don’t believe me, give it a try for a couple of weeks and see the difference in your water utilities bill.

Avoid leaving the tap running when possible in the sink and shower. You can save a ton of water when you remember to turn the tap off when brushing your teeth and shorten your shower time.

Using a bowl can help save water that can be used to rinse vegetables while cooking or shaving in the bathroom. You can also save water by checking your plumbing and pipes to ensure there are no leaks that could lead to more water waste in the future.

If you have houseplants you might want to consider whether you’re overwatering and cut back on water intake. This can improve the health of your plants and you can also water your plants with repurposed water.

You can utilize repurposed water from draining pasta or washing produce before cooking to water your plants. You can also keep a bowl or bucket in the shower so you can repurpose that water to benefit your plants (just make sure non of your toiletries get into the water).

Cutting back on water waste is only one way you can change your lifestyle to be more eco-friendly and there are more ways to reduce your carbon footprint.