Oops. ‘Highly Confidential’ Info Leaked In Oracle V. Google Hearing

Tech Alert If you haven’t heard about the recent lawsuit involving Oracle and Google then you came to the right place. Oracle is in the lawsuit with Google for...

Tech Alert

If you haven’t heard about the recent lawsuit involving Oracle and Google then you came to the right place. Oracle is in the lawsuit with Google for over $1 billion claiming that Android infringed on Oracles java patents….but wait it gets better.
However, things got a little bit more interesting recently when some of Google’s sensitive financial information was leaked. And you will never believe how it was actually leaked. In a United States district court hearing in San Francisco last week Oracle’s attorney read a highly confidential document that read ‘For Attorneys Eyes Only.’

The document said that Android produced $31 billion in sales and $22 billion in profits since 2008. Keeping in mind that Android is just software, last quarter Apple made $32 billion in revenue in one quarter off of iphones and that was probably some information Google didn’t want Oracle to leak. For more information involving this case be sure to check out the video above.