How WiFi Works On Planes

  The Scoop on In-Flight WiFi Texting, calling, facebooking, we all do it and we all hate that dreaded two hours that we have to get on the plane...


inflightwifi1The Scoop on In-Flight WiFi

Texting, calling, facebooking, we all do it and we all hate that dreaded two hours that we have to get on the plane and we have to disconnect from the social world. Sad or a reality?

The sad part is we cant live without social media and the reality of it is that that’s where our society is headed. However, technology is taking one giant step farther as it has now made it possible for you to access the Internet on an airplane! How exactly does Wifi work on planes?

It’s becoming more and more common as some planes are charging for the use of Wifi as others are leaving it for the people on the flight to use. What do you think? Would you enjoy WiFi on your next flight?