Could Using Office Lingo Actually Hurt Your Work Performance?

  Office Lingo: Hurts More Than It Helps? Many of us have office lingo that we use at work, but did you know it could be hurting your performance?...


Office Lingo: Hurts More Than It Helps?

Many of us have office lingo that we use at work, but did you know it could be hurting your performance?

Walk through any office and you are bound to hear overused terms such as leverage or dynamic. However, a recent survey has released their results on over 20 overused buzzwords. Buzzwords may not be all the rage as they may make you sound like your trying too hard to talk about a topic you may know nothing about.


These buzzwords are typically used at a first conversation in the office in order to make a good impression but in reality the other person can typically see through your overused sentences.

So maybe your parents were right when they said just be yourself because you will be more respected in the workplace and by the people you encounter in your everyday life! What are some buzzwords that you encounter in your workplace?