The classic children’s show character is making a comeback. From the early 90s to the late 2000s, Barney the Dinosaur was one of the primary faces of children’s television. Barney & Friends aired for...
The fifth season’s pitch reportedly made Netflix executives cry. The fifth and final season of Netflix’s smash-hit series, Stranger Things, is in its production phase, and if the Duffer Brothers are to be believed,...
Bialik wants to do her best with the show to move past the recent controversies. What was originally supposed to be a fun and competitive means of selecting a successor for the late, great...
Several members of the late night circuit recalled their times with the late comedian. Last night, comedian and Saturday Night Live alum Norm Macdonald passed away at the age of 61. Macdonald had been...
Lucielle Ball was born on this day in 1911 Famed comedy actor, Lucille Ball, was known for her funny character that captures our hearts in “I Love Lucy” and we’re celebrating Ball’s birthday with...
Golf event charity for coronavirus relief The coronavirus (COVID-19) is canceling and postponing sports events around the world, but golf is carrying on. On Sunday, golf returned to live television with a televised charity...