Prices dropped in Venezuela, Indonesia, Ecuador, Thailand, and more. Netflix has recently been feeling a major financial squeeze as other streaming platforms solidify their standing in the industry and syphon away their subscribers. To...
The crackdown could begin as early as March. Last year, streaming giant Netflix, which its first major subscriber drop-off in 2022, announced that they would soon be taking measures to crack down on users...
Wednesday beat out Stranger Things for most hours watched in its premiere week. Last week saw the Netflix premiere of Wednesday, a series set in an updated version of the classic Addams Family franchise....
Netflix is trying to branch out into other forms of media. Streaming service Netflix has been on hard times this past year, losing a large swath of subscribers and seeing its stock values drop....
Many of the creators had not been informed about the removal until after it already happened. Back in August, streaming service HBO Max generated major controversy with the sudden removal of numerous shows and...
The booming orchestral score can be purchased and streamed. Elden Ring was one of the biggest video game releases of the year, if not the biggest, absolutely dominating in sales and word of mouth...