Apple has taken on Pepsi’s usual role in the anticipated show. For the past ten years, the primary sponsor of every Super Bowl Halftime show, an entertainment event as hotly anticipated as the Super...
The device has been called the most repairable iPhone since the iPhone 7. Last week saw the official release of the new iPhone 14 line. Opinions of the device, from its screen to its...
The smartwatch could detect potential fevers in wearers. Apple is remaining fairly quiet about the upcoming Apple Watch Series 8. As of writing, there still isn’t a release date, though rumors are circulating that...
Apple may incorporate E Ink tech into the outer display of a folding smartphone. Most commercial models of folding smartphone utilize an OLED outer panel display alongside the regular inner display. These screens are...
Apple is swiping experts as it develops its AR tech. While its existence is still squarely in the territory of rumors, Apple’s upcoming augmented reality headset is drumming up all manner of hype. According...
Apple and Google can no longer force app developers to use their payment methods. A major point of contention in digital markets around the world is the forced use of certain payment methods on...