Re-Search: Find Out How One Team Is Making It Their Mission To Create A Gender Balanced Internet!

Creating Equality How many times do you find yourself searching online? Probably several times a day! Do you ever notice when you search jobs such as engineering it’s based...

Creating Equality

How many times do you find yourself searching online? Probably several times a day! Do you ever notice when you search jobs such as engineering it’s based around men? Or do you ever notice when you search something like preschool teachers it’s mostly females that come up in the search? This is the stereotypical image you get if you perform an image search for different professions on the internet. Now a new browser extension called Re-Search is being launched, which gives men and women equal space in the search results…how cool is that!
Swedish technology company Semcon is behind this solution, and they are making Re-Search available FREE of charge and as open source software. If you think about it, we are constantly being influenced and as women, it’s discouraging to search a job like engineering and find men in yellow hats and hardly any women.

“If engineers are portrayed as men in yellow helmets, how can young women feel that the job might be of interest to them? Role models are important when people are thinking about their career choices and the internet is the first place many people look for information,” says Anna Funke, Project Manager for Re-Search at Semcon.
With that being said, it’s a fantastic thing to hear that a company is really working hard to make the Internet a place where everyone can feel comfortable and feel like their search is genuinely equal. There are plantly of women who like engineering and men who like to teach! There is no reason that we need to be stereotyping. The internet is where a majority of people get their information especially, young adults. They shouldn’t be discouraged and steered away from something they love because they feel like it’s not a job they are capable of doing because they won’t fit in.

We are in a time where equality should be everywhere and the Internet should not be a place where we are told where we fit in. To find out more about the Re-Search project click HERE or check out the video above!