How A Man Lost In The Amazon Survived

He had some help Maykool Coroseo Acuña suddenly disappeared in Madidi National Park in Bolivia. He was supposed to be heading out on a guided tour of the Amazon...

He had some help

Maykool Coroseo Acuña suddenly disappeared in Madidi National Park in Bolivia. He was supposed to be heading out on a guided tour of the Amazon jungle but was found to be missing from the group. Rangers set out to find Acuña but could only find the evidence of his dirty white sock. Being alone in the Amazon is incredibly dangerous, considering death-threatening mosquitoes, microscopic organisms in the water, poisonous wildlife, and hungry predators of all kinds.

Rangers and shamans spent days trying to locate the missing man. Can you believe who did find Acuña and helped to keep him alive in the dangerous jungle for nine days? Monkeys came to his aid daily, bringing him food and showing him the way to water and shelter.

Acuña is incredibly lucky to have received such compassion from wild animals. explained that since Descartes’ days, “animal behavior scientists have realized that our furry brethren have rich emotional lives and even have a rudimentary sense of right and wrong.” We also know that we are closely related to monkeys in terms of our DNA, and in this case the monkeys cared for a man as one of their own. If it were not for those monkeys, it is likely Acuña would not have made it out of the Amazon jungle alive.