The sequel to 2019’s Joker, titled Joker: Folie à Deux, promises a unique musical twist, but its origins were even more unconventional. Director Todd Phillips and star Joaquin Phoenix recently revealed that the initial concept for the sequel was rooted in a bold idea involving live Broadway performances.
Phoenix, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of Arthur Fleck in the original film, shared in a new interview with Variety that the initial vision for the sequel emerged from a vivid dream he had after his Oscar win. In this dream, Phoenix envisioned himself performing as Fleck in a live Broadway show, complete with singing and comedy, while Phillips guided him from the wings via headset. Excited by the idea, Phoenix reached out to Phillips with hopes of turning this dream into reality.
The duo explored the possibility of bringing this concept to Broadway, but the plan faced significant hurdles. “When we started really thinking about it, we realized it takes four years to put something like that together,” Phillips explained. “And is Joaquin really going to give six months of his life to do that every night onstage?” The pandemic further complicated their plans, leading them to consider a smaller venue, such as the Carlyle, but ultimately, the live Broadway idea was shelved.
While the stage-based vision never materialized, it paved the way for Joker: Folie à Deux to incorporate musical elements into its narrative. The sequel, set two years after the events of the first film, follows Fleck (Phoenix) as he is imprisoned in Arkham Asylum, where he encounters and forms a tumultuous relationship with fellow inmate Harleen “Lee” Quinzel, played by Lady Gaga.
The movie, as detailed by Variety, includes a “variety-show sequence” where Phoenix and Gaga portray a homicidal Sonny & Cher, reflecting the film’s musical and chaotic nature. The trailer has already showcased musical moments that are integral to the plot, underscoring the film’s unique approach.
Phillips, who emphasized that the goal of the film is to make it feel like it was created by “crazy people,” has confirmed that there are no plans for a third Joker film or to pursue his previously announced Hulk Hogan-centered movie following Folie à Deux. “It was fun to play in this sort of sandbox for two movies,” Phillips noted, marking a creative conclusion to this particular chapter of the Joker saga.
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