If You Have A Starbucks Account Then You Could Be In Danger!

Keep Your Starbucks Account Safe From Hackers If you use the Starbucks app, now would be a really good well actually great time to review your account settings. Yes...

Keep Your Starbucks Account Safe From Hackers

If you use the Starbucks app, now would be a really good well actually great time to review your account settings. Yes that’s right!

Attackers have been exploiting features of the app to steal hundreds of dollars from unsuspecting customers, and Starbucks says its users’ poor passwords are to blame.


So, if you fit into this category then you are in DANGER! It’s hard to say how many people have been affected by the attacks so far as the first reported was by writer Bob Sullivan, but searches on Twitter and Facebook reveal hundreds of complaints about fraudulent charges from the app.