Zombieland 2 Announces 2019 Release

    Zombieland 2 Production Starts The post-apocalyptic movie, Zombieland, just confirmed the second installment to release by 2019. The original cast will be joining for Zombieland 2 including,...

Zombieland 2 Production Starts

The post-apocalyptic movie, Zombieland, just confirmed the second installment to release by 2019.

The original cast will be joining for Zombieland 2 including, Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harleson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin. The movie is expecting to release by October 2019.

The first installment of Zombieland was released in 2009 and Sony Pictures attempted to start production for Zombieland 2 in 2014. David Callaham was invited to write the script and Ruben Fleischer returning to direct. There was also consideration for a spin-off series by Amazon production, but did not make past the pilot episode.

Two Zombieland co-writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, are coming back to write the sequel after their experience with writing for the scripts for both installments of Deadpool.

More information is to come as they are starting the developing for production and confirms Zombieland 2 will release for the 10th anniversary in October 2019.