Find Out Why Obama Is Seeking A $14 Billion Proposal

  Obama Seeks U.S. Cybersecurity Defense Funds Cyber-security has become one of the leading issues in many leading countries around the world. So what is one president to do...


Obama Seeks U.S. Cybersecurity Defense Funds

Cyber-security has become one of the leading issues in many leading countries around the world. So what is one president to do when his country gets Internet hacks from another leading country?

Well, that answer should be simple, create a $14 billion dollar proposal! Simple right?


Think again. President Barack Obama’s budget proposal for the 2016 fiscal year seeks $14 billion for cyber-security efforts across the U.S. government to better protect federal and private networks from hacking threats.

Many are skeptical on whether the plan is going to work or not but Obama says he sees the money fixing a lot of problems. Well, we hope so for $14 billion!

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