Better Business Bureau Warns About Puppy Scams

BBB warns customers looking for popular dog breeds People are buying everything online these days, including new pets. But the Better Business Bureau is warning dog lovers not to...

BBB warns customers looking for popular dog breeds

People are buying everything online these days, including new pets. But the Better Business Bureau is warning dog lovers not to buy puppies online unless they do their research and know who they’re buying from.

The alert from the BBB went out after Netherlands-based scammers collected money from puppy purchasers and directed them to pick up their new pets from Robin Taylor, a Yorkshire Terrier breeder in Panama City, Florida. The buyers showed up saying they had paid for larger breeds, like Great Danes and Boxers, over the Internet.

The scammers had taken money for puppies that didn’t exist, the BBB said.

“It’s been really sad what these (victims) are willing to do,” Taylor, the Yorkie Breeder, told the Destin Log. “I now get one to two calls a day from people. It’s awful. It’s really really awful…I’m getting calls from California and all over the states.”

The BBB urges anyone who buys a pet online to research the breeder to make sure it’s legitimate before sending any money. Of course, it’s always best to meet with the breeder first and exchange money in person. The BBB is referring to the swindle as “Puppy Scams” and urges consumers to avoid paying for pets via wire transfer or prepaid card, which makes it nearly impossible to trace the money once it’s sent.