53 Million PCs Are Now Running Windows 10

Windows 10 In Full Swing As Windows 10 just launched you may be surprised at how many people are actually using the new software, 53 million to be exact....

Windows 10 In Full Swing

As Windows 10 just launched you may be surprised at how many people are actually using the new software, 53 million to be exact. That’s right, the amount of PCs using Windows 10 has grown once again.


There have been reports on Windows 10’s big 27 million mile stone with observers now claiming that Microsoft’s newest operating system has been installed on over 53 million devices. And using numbers calculated by Star Counter, they even say that the operating system accounts for 5% of the market as of last week.


Although it’s hard to tell how accurate that percentages really are, observers believe the number to be relatively correct. There has been no word from Microsoft as they have been keeping quiet about the recent numbers, but we hope to hear a statement from them soon.