This Honda Concept Replaces The Car’s Head Unit With A Smartphone!

The Future Of Technology Many of you may have heard about the new Honda ‘concept car.’ Although it may seem like your typical Honda on the outside, however on...

The Future Of Technology

Many of you may have heard about the new Honda ‘concept car.’ Although it may seem like your typical Honda on the outside, however on the inside they have replaced the head unit with an Android phone. Basically you would be able to plug in your phone using the app and instead of buying expecive navigation you’ll be able to use the one on your phone!


Now the DriveMode app will offer you directions, options to listen to your music, and it allows you access to your contacts and calendar. How cool is that! And if the phone is plugged into the system when you have an appointment scheduled it will offer you the option to navigate the route.


Developers are currently working with bluetooth camera makers so that you can purchase aftermarket bluetooth cameras for rear view parking and more. It’s basically all you could ever ask for in one device without having to pay the heavy price! The new technology isn’t available just yet, but all Android users are welcome to download the app today! For more exclusive details be sure to check out the video above!