Get ready for seismic shocks and titanic clashes as Legendary Pictures announces the return of the Monsterverse with “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.” Directed by the visionary Adam Wingard, this colossal cinematic adventure...
The CROWN Act bans discrimination against natural hairstyle California governor, Galvin Newson, signed a bill into law that would protect people from racial discrimination based on their natural hairstyle. This is the first statewide...
Of all the top travel destinations in the world offering a variety of majestic landscapes, Thailand is on the top of the list. We give you a tour of this amazing place and all...
The CROWN Act bans discrimination against natural hairstyle California governor, Galvin Newson, signed a bill into law that would protect people from racial discrimination based on their natural hairstyle. This is the first statewide...
Demi debuts new song at the Grammys Demi Lovato, the actress and singer who has battled drug addiction, eating disorders, and mental health issues, triumphantly took the stage at the Grammys in a white...
Facebook now serves as a social media dating app Couples have been meeting online for years–but social media giant Facebook is finally getting into the online dating game, and is rolling out a dating...