Lohan defends her business venture Lindsay Lohan’s MTV reality show, “Beach Club,” has been canceled, reportedly for lack of drama. The series was set at a beach club Lohan owns in Mykonos, Greece. According...
Swifties Defending Taylor Against Lindsay Lohan Taylor Swift hopped on Instagram Live recently to announce the release of her new album, “Lover.” But the comments section attracted more attention than the initial video when...
Paris Hilton Isn’t Shy To Say Hoe She Feels About Lindsay Lohan Paris Hilton’s claws came out as she discussed rival Lindsay Lohan during the game “Plead the Fifth” on “Watch What Happens Live.”...
Brexit As the results of Brexit came about, a rather bizarre yet delightful surprise came up – it turns out that Lindsay Lohan is really, really passionate about Brexit, at least on Twitter. Some...
Yay Or Nay? When we heard Kanye West was running for president in 2020 we all kind of rolled our eyes and went on with our day. But recently he has proven that he...
Lindsay Lohan Completes Community Service Obligations In Nick of Time Lindsay Lohan just did what nobody thought possible; she completed her community service, but just in the nick of time. That’s right, TMZ learned...