In many games in the Resident Evil series, you’re assigned a rank upon completion of the game’s story. These ranks are determined by various factors, such as how long you took to beat the...
Maybe this is my claustrophobia talking, but I’m not big on caves. They’re dank, they’re cramped, and you are very likely to slip in them and crack your skull. That said, if you live...
The original version of Resident Evil 4 was packed to the gills with guns to buy and wield, from the laser precision of the Killer7 to the street-sweeping speed of Matilda. Discussions about which...
The original Resident Evil 4 was more than a traditional shooter, it also incorporated all kinds of situational attacks, the kind you’d see in character action games like Devil May Cry. While the remake...
eShop Deals For The Switch Nintendo held its promise at Nintendo Direct because they have released 30 games, this week, on the eShop network. Many classic and indie titles are now for retail for...