Neo-Nazis Show Up Outside Chabad Jewish Center

Neo-Nazis Target Jewish Center: Outrage and Unity in Response A disturbing incident unfolded outside a synagogue in Georgia as a neo-Nazi group gathered during Shabbat service, brazenly brandishing swastikas....

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Neo-Nazis Target Jewish Center: Outrage and Unity in Response

A disturbing incident unfolded outside a synagogue in Georgia as a neo-Nazi group gathered during Shabbat service, brazenly brandishing swastikas. The leader of the so-called Goyim Defense League, Jon Minadeo II, was arrested for disorderly conduct and public disturbance before the incident, according to local station WMAZ.

Members of Chabad of Cobb, who were holding their religious service, witnessed the presence of the neo-Nazis for several hours. Shocking videos circulated online, depicting the group proudly waving swastika flags and displaying signs bearing hateful messages, such as “Every Single Aspect of Abortion is Jewish.” Residents responded by shouting at them to “go home.”

Although the Cobb Police Department responded to the scene, the rally was not disbanded due to protections granted by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which generally safeguards freedom of speech, even hate speech. However, true threats and harassment are not protected. Law enforcement stood between the two groups to maintain order.

As of now, there have been no public statements from law enforcement regarding the incident. However, the leaders of Chabad of Cobb confirmed that the police department is working closely with them to ensure the safety of everyone in the synagogue.

Stewart Levy, an attendee of Chabad of Cobb, expressed his deep concern, stating, “This was the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” He further highlighted the ignorance and misinformation propagated by the neo-Nazis, underscoring the need for education and awareness.

Jennifer Caron Derrick, a resident of East Cobb who does not attend the synagogue, voiced her sadness over the incident, noting that she believed the neo-Nazis were not from the local community. She shared her lack of comprehension of such hatred and emphasized her support for the Jewish community.

In response to the hateful rally, East Cobb residents have organized a peaceful gathering scheduled for Monday at 5 pm EDT to show solidarity with the Jewish community. Participants are encouraged to bring signs promoting messages of love and respect.

Chabad of Cobb issued a statement strongly condemning the neo-Nazi rally, assuring the community that it does not reflect the sentiments of the residents. The synagogue expressed gratitude to the community members who stood up against hate, emphasizing that East Cobb has been a welcoming home to a thriving Jewish community for many years.