IMMERSIVE FITNESS: A Revolution in Studio Fitness Technology

Fitness Technology Redesigned & Refined The Les Mills global group fitness and team-training program is rolling out a totally new workout concept that is set to revolutionize the fitness...

Fitness Technology Redesigned & Refined

The Les Mills global group fitness and team-training program is rolling out a totally new workout concept that is set to revolutionize the fitness industry.

Using the newest technology, you’re no longer in a gym, but transported to an entirely different, heart-pounding reality.

Treadmills become mountain trails in pre-historic times or lave flows in the center of the earth.Instructors cue exercise moves that synchronize perfectly with music and graphics, creating a truly immersive fitness experience:

It’s time to break the gym membership you never used, pilates class never attended, workout-gear never worn cycle. Immersive fitness places exercise in a completely different part of your routine. Cinema quality video content projected onto screens of a purpose-built studio elevates your workout to a social athletic experience.

From the peek we’ve gotten into their new workout concept, Immersive Fitness far surpasses any other group fitness programs we’ve tried. It certainly blows the synchronized dance classes in front of ballet bar mirrors and the yoga routine cramped hot rooms we’ve tried out of the water.

Currently, there are plans for a US tour in 2015 featuring pop-up purpose built studios to allow consumers to try the experience. The dates and cities of the tour are TBD, but to receive updates follow along @

The next level of fitness is here. IMMERSIVE FITNESS™ surrounds participants with cinema quality video content projected onto screens of a purpose-built studio.  Exercise moves synchronize perfectly with music and graphics, creating a truly immersive fitness experience. Learn more

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Les Mills. The opinions and text are all mine.