Seeing The World Through A New Lens And Becoming A Leader

Success In Stillness We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and sometimes we forget to take a deep breath and sit back and...

Success In Stillness

We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and sometimes we forget to take a deep breath and sit back and relax for a minute. Put it this way we all tend to see the world through a different lens based on our past experiences. Those who choose to see the world through a positive lens and those who like to think that the grass is green where they are and not on the other side tend to be more successful.

With that being said, many studies have shown that those who are not successful and are down all the time tend to see the world through a negative lens and those that are successful tend to see the world in a positive lens. What is interesting is that those who chose to switch the way they viewed things from a negative view to a positive view soon became an active leader. Those who choose to switch from positive to negative ended up taking a back seat in life and ones who were once leaders were no more.

Many leaders are realizing this early on in their career and are choosing methods such as meditation to change the way they view the world. They are using quiet time to refocus their thoughts and remember what is most important in their lives.