Biden Administration Sanctions Israeli Group Blocking Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

The U.S. Treasury and State Departments took coordinated action due to Tsav 9's persistent interference with critical aid deliveries
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The Biden administration has announced sanctions against the Israeli group “Tsav 9” for obstructing humanitarian convoys to Gaza. The U.S. Treasury and State Departments took coordinated action due to Tsav 9’s persistent interference with critical aid deliveries.

Tsav 9, comprising demobilized reservists, hostage families, and settlers, has led protests disrupting aid convoys at Kerem Shalom, Israel’s primary border crossing with Gaza. The group’s name, “Order 9,” references emergency mobilization notices for reservists.

Despite international pressure resulting in the area’s declaration as a closed military zone in February, Tsav 9 protesters have continued their disruptive activities. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller condemned the group’s actions, noting multiple incidents where members blocked roads, damaged, or looted aid trucks. On May 13, 2024, Tsav 9 members looted and set fire to two trucks near Hebron carrying aid for Gaza.

“For months, Tsav 9 has repeatedly attempted to obstruct humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza by blockading roads and damaging aid trucks,” said Miller. “Their actions have included violent incidents and dumping life-saving aid onto roads.”

Miller stressed the Israeli government’s duty to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian convoys through Israel and the West Bank. “We will not tolerate acts of sabotage and violence against humanitarian assistance,” he said. “We will use all available tools to hold accountable those responsible for such acts and expect Israeli authorities to do the same.”

President Joe Biden’s recent executive order allows sanctions against those inciting violence in the West Bank, which has been used to sanction Israeli settlers attacking Palestinians.